Velammal Bodhi Campus program is crafted by experts in the field of education driven by constructivist theory nurturing the idea that children learn by experiencing and problem solving . Our academic frame work expose children to global culture and encourage hands-on learning , with research based objective as the heart of the curriculum.
"மேயப் போகிறமாடு புல்லை
கட்டிக்கிட்டு போகாது."
- திருமதி . வேலம்மாள் .
We aimed to make school students well-versed in technologies & shaping their future.
We maintain a well-stocked library with a rich collection of books.
Our school teachers fulfill the student teaching requirements.
The Bodhi Concept We are all aware of the sanctity and unsurpassed eminence of the 'Bodhisthla', the very spot where Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment under the 'Bodhi' tree. It is also considered as the seat of perpetual knowledge and an epitome of virtuous endeavours. Bodhi Campus infuses a natural flair in a child to discover its own potential and seek enlightenment about building pathways to success, through entirely fair and focused methods.